Hats: But now that we're all completely naked, despite all our differences, don't we all seem a little more alike than we did just a little bit ago?
Hats: Let's take a moment to just stand in silence, look at each other, and ourselves, and reflect on what we see.
Donnie: Great! So then the orgy starts afterward?
Hats: Huh?
Donnie: The orgy! Should we choose partners now, or . . . ? Hey there! You wanna go down on this first?
Hats: DONNIE! This is NOT an orgy! I thought I had made that perfectly clear! There is NOTHING sexual about tonight! And even if there were, you CANNOT proposition a student like that!
Donnie: Oh right. Let them make the first move. Gotcha.
Hats: No no no no no no!!
Donnie: Ohhh, I get it. We teachers fuck first, right? Then once we show them how it's done, everyone can join in!
Hats: No! What? No!! Absolutely not, Donnie!
Hats is wincing.
Donnie: Oh I get it, we'll titty-fuck! Your tits definitely need a big dick between them! Great!
A strong hand falls on Donnie's shoulder.
Donnie: Oh hey! You wanna be first?
Crusher lifts Donnie over her head.
Donnie: Whoa! All right, all right! You take the lead, baby!
Crusher has deposited him in a trash can in the alley.
Donnie: Ohhhh oww . . . Damn, you like it dirty, huh babe?