A burger sits on a plate in a restaurant.
Summer (thinking): Look at this atrocity here. Disgusting. Ruining all those perfectly good veggies with meat.
Summer regards the burger, angry.
Summer: Fuckin' doctor. What the hell does she know, anyway? I know I should gain some weight, but I can do it without this. I bet it tastes as awful as it looks. I won't eat something that tastes horrid!
She bites into it.
Summer: And I'll prove it!
Summer: Huh. Shit, that . . . that's actually kinda good.
Summer: Well, I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. The meat industrial complex has to get people addicted somehow, right? Humanity has had thousands of years to figure out how to make something taste good.
Summer: Okay. Okay, I guess I can eat a little meat, just for a little while. I'll just use it to get up to a healthy weight, then switch back. And in the meantime I can donate to a bunch of vegetarian organizations.
Summer: That'll more than make up for --
Her stomach gurgles loudly and ominously.
Summer: . . . uh oh.
From within a restroom, Summer screams in agony.