Support LGBTQ+ rights!
Posted December 13, 2021 at 6:00 am

Aaaaaand we're back!

As denoted in the upper left corner, this strip takes place a bit earlier this year. I had originally intended to publish it then, but things just kept getting in the way. Dang things! Anyhoo, it seemed like the end of the year would be a good time to finally buckle down and get back into the thick of comicking, so here we are!

But things just keep on happening despite my best efforts. Curse them! So while the hiatus is indeed officially over, returning to a fully regular update schedule is not fully in the cards at the present. I'll do my best to not fall off the face of the Earth again, but there may be a bit more delay between updates than there used to be. Perhaps someday that will change, but for now, it's what'll have to do!

So keep an eye on the RSS, or follow me on Twitter to be sure you don't miss out! And if you're eager, pages will always go up on Patreon days ahead of time! So let the good times roll!

And as always, are plenty of other things that need support out there as well! If you can, consider helping out!
Black Lives Matter!
Black Trans Lives Matter!
Rainbow Railroad!
Center for Transgender Equality!